Arrowhead’s introduction to the industrial services sector was fortunate enough to be with our friends at DuPont. An incredible safety culture; enhanced insurance and training requirements, with specific requirements; all helped elevate our operations to the level we are today. We are fortunate enough to be the resident maintenance company for the Bayport plant, assisting with pavement striping and repairs, safety process walls and markings, interior and exterior painting, pressure washing, and epoxy concrete joint filing. This high-octane 360,000 sqft property is a beast with regular maintenance needs to keep production moving.
Call us today and schedule a no obligation consultation : 713-331-9399
Arrowhead was always timely and very responsive to our requests. We needed a custom stencil for the project, Arrowhead had no issue in providing and installing the stencils. Arrowhead worked after hours as needed to accommodate the construction schedule. I would recommend Arrowhead on any striping project you may have. — Central Builders, Inc.